SYNAPSE -- 2014
tems are now developing.
Most people who join
the social sector join
because of the Attitude
but lack the
Knowledge and the
Skills. So the need is
for people with the
right temperament.
How would you relate HR and social entrepreneurship?
HR profession in industry has undergone a change.
The old School of thought like Satish Pradhan or
Abhay Patwardhan had a very sound neutral perspective between taking care of management interest
and taking care of employee interest. Now in the socalled Business Partner role, the Employee Champion role has faded away. A lot of creative solutions
are available which are not being used.
For example, in the last downturn a lot of pink slips
were given. Merck had to pull out people, but they
sent CVs of these employees to all their competitors
saying “we are forced to do this, but these are good
people and you will like them in your organization”.
Many people joined also, but in the upturn a lot of
them joined back. So it has become very mechanistic. And it is crying out for a lot of changes.
What do you think is the application of HR
in these organizations?
unless you translate
your vision, mission
and belief into
management systems
you cannot percolate it
I think there is a huge application which is not being
looked at. The sector is growing and there is a dearth
of qualified people in the sector. There is a lot of
disconnect between many people who are in the
corporate sector and who are looking for this opportunity, who would like to make this transition but
they don’t know how to get into it. But the sector
also differentiates on KRAs (Knowledge, Skills and
Attitudes). In the corpor