It was a Saturday night on sunset,
and everyone was up to the usual clubbing and bar
hopping. But there’s a small merch shop on Sunset
Blvd that’s attracting some attention, there’s 30 people
standing outside smoking and socializing, and another 25 inside doing the same. The Event titled “A Day
with the (G)uards” was hosted by Delicious Vinyl’s
flagship shop. With performances by Trap (G), Blaison Maven, Z-Man, Sterling, Skymen Group [Royce
the Choice and GMK], KT the Terrible, and Jeanleon, why wouldn’t you say they got what they came
for? The event was definitely worth it’s weight in (G)
old, and by the sound and look of the crowd, everyone undoubtedly had a good time. Here are the pictures to show it: