Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 83

No , it is not safe nor recommended to use antiinflammatory medications during the race .
During sustained exercise , blood is diverted away from the gut and diverted to your muscles . Most anti-inflammatory medications have ulceration of the stomach lining as part of the side effect profile . Taking anti-inflammatory medications on an empty stomach and in a setting of lower blood supply to the gut will increase the risk of ulceration .
In the same way that these medications treat the pain and inflammation associated with injury , antiinflammatory medications can mask the severity of the injury by removing the pain response and subsequently result in even more severe injury .
An unfortunate consequence of anti-inflammatory medications is that the same molecules that cause and promote inflammation are also responsible for maintaining the flow of blood to the kidneys . Taking anti-inflammatory medication can block the flow of blood to the kidneys resulting in kidney damage . Should you become dehydrated this effect could be enhanced further and the damage to the kidney could be more severe . It might result in permanent damage .
Should you experience severe pain during the race , please present yourself to one of the Mediclinic crew members , and you will be assessed and advised accordingly .

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• There will be a fully manned medical tent at the finish , and a medic with a golf cart will assist with the transport of injured runners to the race hospital .
• Information relating to runners who have been admitted to the medical tent will be available at the information centre , located on the field at the finish .
In addition to the race hospital at the finish line , there will be three medical and physio points , and three first aid stations along the route .
For the past four years Mediclinic ’ s dedicated special events medical team have worked with race organisers across multiple sporting codes to promote and endorse pre-event screening of athletes .
Participant pre-screening was introduced as an interventional tool to significantly reduce the amount of adverse events during mass participation and endurance events . It also empowers the medical support team to prepare adequately according to best clinical practices in being EVENT ready on race day . “ Resource planning and distribution as well as effective risk assessment and management ensures that our support service is not good , but great ,” says Dr Darren Green , Race Doctor of the Cape Town Marathon .
He continues , “ We are making the best use of technology to keep us informed . The race questionnaire is easy to complete and allows us to receive a full medical history for each contestant . Out on course , our medics do not always have the luxury of taking a full medical history before responding to emergencies . This survey gives us everything we need to prepare .”
The questionnaire is a simple drop down set of questions that may branch out to ask for details where necessary . It may also pick up risks for the rider , and in these cases the athlete may receive personalised information regarding any potential health risks . It should take no more than 10 – 20 minutes to complete depending on the depth of history required .
The questionnaire was compiled in collaboration with Prof . Martin Schwellnus and the Sports , Exercise , Medicine and Lifestyle Research Institute at the University of Pretoria and has been used across a number of international profile events such as the Cape Town Cycle Tour and Sanlam Cape Town Marathon and the Cape Epic .
We have experienced doctors , nurses and medics across the route and a tremendous amount of effort goes into the pre-event planning as well as the race day infrastructure and support services . We have built a strong relationship with returning runners over the course of the event ’ s history . This is just one more way we are able to tailor the care we are able to offer during an event .
We are excited for this year ’ s event and encourage each runner to complete the pre-event screening of athletes questionnaire to enable us to deliver the right care at the right time ensuring that you complete your best race ever . Screening saves LIVES .