Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 44

The Ultimate Marathon Checklist

You ’ ve done the training , your race nutrition strategy is on point , and you are ready for Race Day ! Here ’ s a handy check-list to make sure you don ’ t forget any essentials on your big day .
When You Collect Your Race Pack
□ Did you receive the correct race number ?
□ Is your Park & Ride / Park & Walk accreditation included ?
□ Did you receive the t-shirt size you ordered ?
□ Remember to collect your extra merchandise orders !
Your Race Day Kit List
□ Running kit , incl . Shoes and socks
□ Race number , pinned to your race shirt
□ Extra safety pins , just in case
□ Hydration pack / water bottle / collapsable cup ( if you carry your own )
□ Favourite race fuel
□ Sunblock
□ Cap / visor
□ Anti-chafe
□ Emergency numbers saved on your phone
□ Smart-watch
For Your Tog Bag
□ Post-race top / tracksuit
□ Recovery drink & snack
□ Towel / wet wipes
□ Flip-flops
□ Spare cash for a finish village meal
Night Before
□ Lay out your race kit
□ Pin your race number to your shirt ( check your final race instructions for guidelines )
□ Charge your phone
□ Set multiple alarms
□ Decide which route to take to the start / Park & Ride / Park & Walk
□ Check the weather in case you need to pack something warm
Race Morning
□ Establish a meet-up plan with your friends / family / club mates
□ If you are using the Park & Ride facility , be sure to arrive on time and not miss the bus
□ Keep an eye on traffic updates or last-minute race communications
□ Check in your tog bag
□ Make sure you are in your start batch before it closes
□ Relax - you ’ ve got this !