Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 42

Route Description

The Start is on Helen Suzman Blvd Inbound Carriageway at Portsworth Road Intersection . Runners will flow into the start line , from the underpass and the forecourt . 40km

From Helen Suzman Blvd runners will turn left onto Buitengracht Street and then onto the N1 / N2 outbound lane ( Elevated Freeway )
From the N2 runners will take the Searle Street offramp and turn right onto Victoria Road which changes into Main Rd .
Runners will continue with Main Rd all the way to Letterstedt Road where they will turn left and continue with Claremont Boulevard . At Stanhope Road they will turn left and left again into Palmyra Rd .
They continue with Palmyra Rd which changes to Campground Road and at Sandown Road they will turn right all the way to Milner Road where they will turn left and continue to Klipfontein Road . The runners turn left into Klipfontein , left into Sawkins Rd and continue around the Rondebosch Common .
At Park Rd runners turn right and right again into Liesbeek Parkway where they will continue all the way into Salt River . Liesbeek Parkway changes into Albert Rd and then into New Market Street as they run through Salt River and Woodstock .
At Russell Street runners turn left and then right into Sir Lowry Rd . At Tennant Street they take a left and left again into Hanover Street . At Vogelgezang Street they head up right and then right into Constitution Street all the way down to Canterbury Street where they turn right .
From Canterbury Street they turn left into Darling Street passed the City Hall and left into Plein Street which changes into St Johns Street and Hatfield Street .
At the top of Hatfield Street the runners turn right into Orange Street and then right into Long Street all the way down to Riebeek Street . At Riebeek Street they turn left , over Buitengracht and continue on Somerset Road which changes into Main Road . After P12 Parking turn right to the Underpass , through the Underpass keeping to their left and come out at P13 Parking and onto Main Rd again . From Main Road they turn right into Three Anchor Bay Rd and left into Beach Road City Outbound Lane all the way to Queens Rd around the circle and back onto Beach Road City Inbound Lane which leads them all the way to the Finish on Helen Suzman Boulevard .
• The Start is on Helen Suzman Blvd Inbound Carriageway at Portsworth Road Intersection .
• Turn left onto Buitengracht Street and then onto Nelson Mandela Blvd Outbound ( Elevated Freeway )
• From the N2 runners will take the Searle Street offramp
• Turn right onto Victoria Road which changes into Main Rd .
• Runners will continue with Main Rd all the way to Letterstedt Road / Campground Blvd
• Turn left into Letterstedt Road which changes to Claremont Boulevard .
• Turn left at Stanhope Road
• Turn left into Palmyra Rd .
• Palmyra Rd changes to Campground Road
• Turn right into Sandown Road
• Turn left into Milner Road
• Turn left into Klipfontein Road
• Turn left Sawkins Rd and continue around the Rondebosch Common
• Turn right at Park Rd
• Turn right into Liesbeek Parkway
• Liesbeek Parkway changes into Albert Rd and then into New Market Street as they run through Salt River and Woodstock