Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 33

potentially run my personal best at this race . I ’ m not too sure if I ’ m ready for a personal best this year , but I ’ ll keep coming back . It looks like the new route is set up to be quite fast and that ’ s why I ’ ll continually come back . And it ’ s another excuse to visit Cape Town !
Q : What does living with confidence mean to you , and what gives you confidence ? A : Living with confidence is living with integrity . Integrity is when what you think , say and do align . Again , I may not score 10 out of 10 for this , but I endeavour to make sure that what I think , say and do align , and this is what gives me confidence .
Q : Running a marathon requires goal setting , having a plan to reach your goal , dedication and commitment – the same traits required for successfully managing your money . Are there learnings you ’ ve acquired in your approach to running that you have applied to ensure you have financial confidence ? A : Yes of course ! It is about sticking with things for the long haul . Being a recovering drug addict and having gone through the sex , drugs and rock ‘ n ’ roll lifestyle , abuse is inevitable – abuse of self and abuse of finances . Running has really whipped me into shape in more ways than one , with investments and savings and generally just being a tad more prudent with money . My discipline with money is definitely a spill-over from the running , training and commitment over the years .
Q : What is your advice for novice runners and anybody who will be running the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon for the first time ? A : David Goggins said ( slightly paraphrased !): “ When you feel like you ’ re done and you can ’ t carry on , you ’ ve only depleted 60 % of your reserves and you ’ ve got 40 % to go .” I hope first-time Sanlam Cape Town Marathon runners have prepared . The race is a reward for all the preparation . Take it all in . The atmosphere on the day gives you 20 kilometres in the bag – just the festivities and the ambiance and comradery – but unfortunately you have to work for the other 22 . But have fun . You ’ re going to be a completely different person afterwards , and I ’ m jealous because that feeling after your first race is incredible . We become better people when we are put in a corner , and a marathon will put you in a corner and you ’ ll have to dig deep to find the things you ’ ve learned through your training that will pull you through . You ’ re going to learn a lot about yourself . And remember , you are tougher than you think you are . Good luck to all the runners – I wish you all the best !