Sanlam CT Marathon 2021 Digi | Page 8

Sanlam Cape Town Marathon announced as an Abbott World Marathon Majors Candidate

Imagine hosting a world championship event every single year . This goal may be within our reach , with the nomination of the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon as an Abbott World Marathon Majors ( AbbottWMM ) candidate race .
“ We have always believed that the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon could be Africa ’ s first Abbott World Marathon Major , so becoming a candidate race is a tremendous honour ,” said Sanlam Cape Town Marathon Ambassador , Francois Pienaar .
“ It acknowledges the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon as a global event that has consistently delivered a top quality world-class race , and one that continuously innovates and creates world-first initiatives like the immersive audio experience during the 2020 virtual race .
Pienaar added that achieving this status would be a