Sanlam CT Marathon 2021 Digi | Page 28

Ace the Cape Town Marathon

With just a few weeks to go until the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon , Coach Lindsey Parry gives us a comprehensive guide on what to do in the run in to , planning of and , most critically , execution on race day .


am sure you are TIRED OF blowing all your hard training by getting it wrong on race day , and that you want to avoid that last 10km plod – especially since the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon organisers have planned such a scenic finish this year . So where else to start than at the beginning ? Actually , no , it ’ s too late for that . If you haven ’ t done the work , I believe the gods are still taking requests …
No , we need to start near the end . There are a few days to go , so there ’ s nothing we can do on the fitness front , but there is a heap of homework we can do to bring it all together on 17 October . What follows is how to get ready for race day , with some local knowledge of the Cape Town course .
• Make a list of everything you will need on race day . I ’ ve provided a list ( see to the right ) that covers all the basics , but there are specific things you will have used while prepping that you do not want to forget in the rush to pack , or in the nerves of race morning . If you are flying in from out of town , pack everything on that list in carry-on luggage , so there is no risk of it going missing between home and Cape Town .
• Study the route with this guide , so you can start to work out how to get around on race day and achieve the goal that you have set for yourself .
• I am not a big fan of the carbo load . I ’ ve just told you to turn it down , kick up your feet and do nothing . I ’ ve never met an endurance athlete who cut back on the feeding in response to dropping the kilometres , so you ’ re already eating too much . Trust me . The best advice I can give you with regard to nutrition is to stick as closely as possible to eating what you have been eating for the past few months while training . If you ’ re away from home , that ’ s not always as easy as said , but you can still make restaurant choices that align with your accustomed cuisine .
• Prioritise sleep for the four to five days leading into the race . This will ensure that the inevitable poor night ’ s sleep before race day won ’ t really be an issue .
• Get off your feet . For the two days leading into the race , make an effort to get horizontal . That last bit is important – you don ’ t want to be sitting too much , because that can tighten up your hip flexors and quads , leaving you feeling awkward on race day .
• Eat a little earlier than normal . This is so that you can clear out your gut more easily in the morning .
• Stick to foods you know , and stick to less heavy and rich foods to avoid bloating on race day .
• Pack out all your race day kit and goodies . ( Take a photo , post it on social . Don ’ t ask , everyone does it !) Use the list you made weeks ago to make sure you don ’ t get to 25km and realise you didn ’ t pack the extra Vaseline , and now your arms , nipples and butt cheeks have started a choir of pain in your honour !
• The most important thing here is to be honest with yourself . Set a goal that is based on the training you managed , and your ability over shorter distances like 5 , 10 and 21km if you ’ ve raced any over the past six months .
• Once you know your goal time , plot your pace through the sections that I described on page 21 . I have put together a few little guides that you can use to work out where you should be at what time to stay on track . If you find yourself ahead of schedule , it ’ s not your day . You are cashing cheques that the bank won ’ t cover , and the debt collectors will come for you in Salt River . On the plus side , you can enjoy the walk in Sea Point .
• Wake up early ! A few minutes extra sleep will only increase your stress , and stress drains your energy , especially your carb stores – yup , you filled those up just fine without carbo loading – and makes the morning unpleasant . You also want to get to the start early , so you can avoid the portaloo queues . Nothing hurts more than the gun going while you are stuck in the loo . Fortunately , this year , with times going from mat to mat , this won ’ t impact your time , but you may miss your run crew .
COACH PARRY is a sport scientist who has trained local stars to top spots at various marathons . coachparry . com