Sanlam CT Marathon 2021 Digi | Page 19

Your FinishTime timing chip is attached to your race number . Please do not fold your race number as it will damage the chip . IMPORTANT ! NO CHIP NO RESULT .
There will be toilets at the start , water points , and the finish .
There are 15 water points along the route , approximately 3km apart . Water and Coke will be served at all points . Powerade will be served at stations 4,10,11 and 13 . All crew including water point staff will undergo COVID Antigen testing and will be kitted out with PPE . Sanitizer stands will be available at each water point , as well as the feeding station .
Woolworths Food Station
Woolworths will have a food station at 26.2km , combined with water point 10 .
Carry Your Own
You will be running through an eco-sensitive area . Please consider carrying your own water . There will be a fill-up station available at water point 7 at 18.10km , and at water point 12 at 32.2km . Look out for the Bluewater trailer .
THE START New Start Area
We moved the start line to Fritz Sonnenberg Rd , but runners will enter the start area from the Green Point Stadium Parking Area in Vlei Rd ( P4 ). You will be preloaded into your start batch once it is time for your group to start .
Complimentary Coffee
Have a free coffee on us . Vida e Caffè will have 12 coffee stations at the start .
Secure Tog Bag Facility
The Tog Bag facility will be on the Shared Fields in Vlei Rd , right opposite the gate to the start chutes . Your bag will be labelled , and you will receive a matching armband .
Note Your Check-In Time
Not all groups will be loaded at the same time , as the race will have COVID-compliant staggered starts . The first group ( Elites ) will be starting at 06h15 with the last group starting at 06h47 . Therefore , there is no need to arrive at 4am if you will only be starting at 06h30 ! See below for each start group ’ s check in time . Results will be calculated mat to mat .
Your Group And Batch
Your check in time and start time will be printed on the front of your race pack envelope . The check in time is when you need to be at the start venue , hand in your tog bag and get ready to load with your group . Check in time is on average 40 minutes prior to your start time . You may not start in another group .
Group 1 Batch 1
Group 1 Batch 2
Group A Batch 1
Group A Batch 2
Group A Batch 3
Group A Batch 4
Group A Batch 5
Elites 05:15:00 06:15:00
SA CHAMPS 05:15:00 06:15:00
A1 05:30:00 06:17:00
A2 05:30:00 06:18:00
A3 05:30:00 06:19:00
A4 05:30:00 06:20:00
A5 05:30:00 06:21:00