As you know , the order of the historical periods of music is Ancient , Medieval , Renaissance , Baroque , Classicism , Romanticism , and 20 th century music . Here , the focus will be on the time of Romanticism . However , in order to understand Romanticism , you need to know about Classicism frst . So , allow me to break it down for you :
In Classicism , there were three famous composers : Haydn , Mozart , and Beethoven . Have you ever played Mozart ' s music ? If you have , you may know that his music is very formal , since he composed music using a form , called Sonata form . Sonata form is made of exposition , development , and recapitulation .
In exposition , there are two types of subjects and they have big differences in sounds . If the frst subject is played in major , the second subject is played in minor . In development , there are frequent modulation and this is the core part of the music that shows the composers ' ability . Lastly , recapitulation is a reappearance of exposition including deformation .
Try listening to Mozart ' s music in Sonata form , and fnd the differences between the exposition , development , and recapitulation . If you think you ' ve mastered Mozart , then try listening to Beethoven ' s Für Elise to test your skills in differentiation .
Are you having trouble fnding the Sonata form in Für Elise ? That ' s because Beethoven