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Calculate Your Pond Size
Square / Rectangular : ( Gallons ) multiply length x width x average water depth ( ft .) x 7.5 i . e . 8 ’ x4 ’ x2 ’ x7.5 = 480 gallons Square / Rectangular : ( Acres ) multiply length x width divided by 43,560 sq . ft . per acre i . e . 80 ’ x140 ’/ 43,560 =. 2571 is about 1 / 4 acre Round : ( Gallons ) multiply diameter x itself x average water depth ( ft .) x 5.9 i . e . 4 ’ x4 ’ x2 ’ x5.9 = 188 gallons . Round : ( Acres ) multiply circumference x itself divide by 547,390 i . e . 520 ’ x520 ’/ 547,390 =. 4939 is about 1 / 2 acre
Calculate Average Depth
Take multiple depth measurements around your pond ( in feet ). Add all of your depth measurements up and divide by the number of measurements you took to get your average depth . For example , if your depth measurements are 0,2,2,3,4,5,5,8,10,11,15,0 the sum of all these measurements is 65 ‘. 65 ’/ 12 measurements = an average of 5.42 ’
Plant Identification
The first step to taking care of problem growth is to properly identify what you have so you know what product to use for control . We provide detailed pictures of many species of weeds and algae on our website for your convenience . pondplantid . com
Do Not Throw Debris Into Pond
Excess debris in a pond can transform into muck or organic material on the pond floor . This material is a food source for algae and weeds .
· Mow grass away from pond
· Do not dispose of landscape clippings , weeds , or Christmas trees into pond
Fertilizing Around Pond
Fertilizing your lawn ensures you will have lush , green grass . However , the same fertilizer that turns your lawn a beautiful green color also turns your pond green . When excessive amounts of fertilizer enter a pond , algae and weed growth will be accelerated and very difficult to manage .
· Lawn fertilizers should be kept at least 15-20 ft . from shoreline to reduce the amount of fertilizer runoff that enters the pond .
· Look for a fertilizer with low phosphorous or no phosphorous to use around your pond .
Proper Shoreline Maintenance
The maintenance of the 5 feet of shoreline surrounding a pond is crucial . Keeping grass longer around the shoreline will help filter runoff that may contain fertilizer or other harmful waste .
· Shorelines should have grass at least 4 in . long
· Shorelines should have vegetation or rocks to filter run-off and prevent erosion
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