displacement is always accompanied by diverse learning experiences and to meet so many artists who put a grain of sand for my training as I had foreign very successful teachers in their careers as artists of different contemporary trends . The trips would always be for me a form of knowledge , so when I returned to Sinaloa it was like completing a cycle to renew the personal , familiar and emotional internal visions . To see the things of yesteryear with an innocent , childish vision with colorful astonishment of a world lost in the memory of who leaves without date of return , almost 30 years of absence . A navigator , a tourist , a traveler who carries with him the essentials ; His heart , his childhood memories and his dreams of conquest . Battles are those conquests of that moment
Saint Sunday that you wish to endure leaving a trace of fire within you and others , and this is how traveling I have conquered , this is how I have found , making uncertainty mine I have seen it grow in certainties , I loved what I do and I have loved my creations too , I lit the fire of the inner being in many and I have celebrated the spirits , this is the juice of my expressions ; A clear and fragrant expression of love . About styles , I can say that they are cultivated , that good or bad take time to germinate ideas and to reap the thought of your colors and forms , but first of all it is your internal dialogue that finds your style . My thoughts have generated a