San Miguel Art magazine/ MAY EDITION | Page 10

Is there inspiration or is driven by the habit of work? Of course there is inspiration. It is the creativity in the artist, it is sometimes to be carried away by the madness, by the ideas, to be able to arrive at the creation. The habit is "work" no one who does not work can achieve ins- piration, you can lie in bed all day without getting a cent of inspi- ration, but if you take the brush or clay and start working, then inspiration comes alone without needing to call it. San Miguel Arcángel & San Francisco de Asís Templo Expiatorio de Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco. What defines you as a painter or sculptor? What I do, is the product of my hands, but they must be united in working, with the eyes, the mind and the heart, and thus, I can define what I am, and be sure that I am on the right path. Is there a "Terrés style"? And what is that style or styles? The Terrés style can be said that it is the constant search, the dissatisfaction, to correct the mistakes daily, to learn daily, to study, to initiate, to start every day and to try to do better work than the one that achieved yesterday. Who were the artists that influenced your career? Starting from my Mother, all the Masters I have had, in the School of Arts and in the Uni- versity. With which I have found in the books, with those that I have lived in the trips and of what I learn in the museums to be face to face with the works that interest to me. Until today, I have not stopped learning something, every day, from all of them.