San Miguel Art magazine/ JUNE 17 | Page 6

Friends at El Jardín referred to McCann Erickson Advertising to do illustration work for L’Oreal de Paris. moment I picked up a brush and put my mark on the canvas I was hooked. My work is representational art, and I paint the streets and people I see around me.  I studied with Donna Dickson for 5 years, so the influence of her style   as well as Tom Dickson›s is evident.  I also took classes at Belles Artes when I first arrived in San Miguel, which was representational art as well, taught by Carmen Jimenez. Thus began my love affair with oil paint.  From the first The expression of feeling comes through in the work, no matter the material.  There are times when the work simply flows, and there are others one struggles with.  There are wonderful days where you actually get lost in the work and forget everything but your creation:  you’re in a “zone”.  Color, light and shadow also play a huge role in the creative process.  Whatever the emotion is while you are working, it will come