San Francisco Public Works Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 | Page 89
Public Works undertook the annual sand
maintenance work along the Great Highway
adjacent to Ocean Beach in June. The aim was to
reduce the likelihood of sand buildup along the
Great Highway during windy weather, forcing
periodic closures of the roadway.
Public Works has a small window to perform
the annual work; it must be timed to make sure
crews do not disturb the western snowy plover,
a small shorebird that is protected under the U.S.
Endangered Species Act. Before our crews got
underway, monitors with the Golden Gate National
Recreation Area and Golden Gate Audubon
Society confirmed that the plovers had left Ocean
Beach and it was safe to begin relocating the sand.
Crews redistributed approximately 8,000 cubic
yards of sand during the two-week window,
which began June 25, having moved it from the
side of the roadway toward the ocean. We hired
Yerba Buena Engineering & Construction, Inc. to
perform the work.
Great Highway
Sand Relocation
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