San Francisco Public Works Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 | Page 76

07 17 08 17 1 2 3 09 17 Sisterhood Gardens 10 17 Brotherhood Way and Arch Street 11 17 12 17 01 18 02 18 03 18 04 18 05 18 06 18 In 2016, we joined our community partners to break ground on Sisterhood Gardens, hoping when we turned those shovels of dirt that it would one day blossom into a wonderful urban oasis with colorful flowers, succulent greens, broccoli, bees and butterflies. That dreamed-of cornucopia of beauty has blossomed. It was on full display at the official dedication ceremony for the community garden on April 21, hosted by the Chinese Progressive Association and the Merced Extension Triangle Neighborhood Association. Sisterhood Gardens, located at Brotherhood Way and Arch Street, turned a barren patch of land adjacent to a busy roadway into a community garden. Our landscape architects came up with the design, and our crews constructed a concrete pathway bordered by several ADA-accessible planter boxes and a stairway connecting Brotherhood Way to Ramsell Street. Community members who helped build the boxes and planted them can be seen most every day tending to their gardens – and, at just the right time, harvesting the bounty.