San Francisco Public Works Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 | Page 52

07 17 08 17 09 17 10 17 11 17 12 17 01 18 02 18 03 18 04 18 05 18 06 18 1 2 3 O’Shaughnessy Rock Removal Glen Park neighborhood Specialized crews successfully brought down a large boulder and other loose rock to temporarily stabilize the rocky hillside adjacent to O’Shaughnessy Boulevard in the Glen Park neighborhood to protect against future rockslides. An assessment by geotechnical engineers found that one large boulder in particular remained in danger of sliding down the hill and needed to be removed before the winter rains. Public Works managed the public safety project and an outside contractor, Soil Engineering Construction, Inc., was brought in to perform the work with expert crews who also are trained rock climbers. Public Works will perform a more permanent hillside restoration in coming years.