San Francisco Public Works Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 | Page 39
History was made on Aug. 26 when more than 600 volunteers came out to District 11 to plant 500 trees – in a
single day. It was a huge triumph for the community and marked a major accomplishment for the City’s urban
forest. Twenty-four teams of volunteers dispersed throughout the Excelsior, Outer Mission, Crocker-Amazon,
and Ingleside neighborhood, going down Alemany Boulevard, Ellington Avenue, around the perimeter of
Balboa High School, along Capitol Avenue and many other corridors, to fill empty tree basins and medians
with 15 different tree species that will help make San Francisco a healthier and more beautiful city. Trees help
clean the air, calm traffic and deter sidewalk parking.
500 Trees
Excelsior neighborhood
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