San Francisco Public Works Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 | Page 32

07 17 08 17 09 17 10 17 1 2 3 StreetTreeSF Citywide 11 17 12 17 01 18 02 18 03 18 04 18 05 18 06 18 Public Works celebrated the rollout of StreetTreeSF, a voter-backed initiative that places the maintenance of all street trees under City care. Thanks to the overwhelming support of San Francisco voters, the City now has sustainable funding – a $19 million set-aside from the City’s General Fund that will allow Public Works to care for the City’s nearly 125,000 street trees and fix tree-related sidewalk damage. The change went into effect July 1. The stable funding under StreetTreeSF provides Public Works – for the first time – the ability to put San Francisco’s street trees on a regular pruning cycle, based on their species and condition. This is a real game changer that will allow our urban forest to thrive.