San Francisco Language Access Ordinance Summary Report LAO 2020 - Jan 31 FINAL | Page 9

LEP Client Interactions by language* FY 2018-2019 Cantonese: 341,824 Russian: 23,129 Mandarin: 67,797 Vietnamese: 19,092 Spanish: 327,614 Other: 12,147 Filipino: 20,042 Limited English Proficient (LEP) Client Interactions* 1,000,627 FY 2017-2018 811,645 FY 2018-2019 of bilingual staff, or growing fear of using City services due to anti-immigrant federal policies. This year’s data demonstrates that some City departments have made significant progress toward their goals. Critical services departments report improved outreach to LEP and immigrant communities, and the two departments with the greatest increases in their language services budgets are the San Francisco Police Department and the Department of Public Health. These two departments have some of the highest degrees of public contact. A proactive approach is crucial to building greater public trust between LEP and immigrant communities and government. When immigrants and LEP individuals feel safe seeking services from local agencies, all our residents and visitors benefit. While there is still much work to do to improve language services, it is clear that City departments understand the urgent need. Each year’s reporting demonstrates that departments are responding by allocating more in their budgets for LEP outreach and bilingual services. Deeper analysis of language access trends and one-on- one consultations with department staff and community stakeholders will help OCEIA further its work and develop more useful tools. One concept emerging from this year’s report is that, with all departments in overall compliance, OCEIA can begin shifting the focus from the simple provisioning of language services to ensuring the consistency of high-quality language services across the City. * Data represented does not account for the following departments: Asian Art Museum, Fine Arts Museum, and San Francisco International Airport, due to their large international and non-resident clientele. Recreation and Parks has been excluded because their data was not verifiable. LAO 2 0 2 0 / 4