San Clemente City Magazine Winter 2015 | Page 24

YOU ARE NOT BEING PERSECUTED MORE ADVENTUROUS by Jessica Novello WHY SHOULD THE CUPS BE ADORNED WITH MESSAGES OF CHRISTMAS? friend showed me a video last night of a loud, aggressive, “Christian” man claiming that the new holiday Starbucks cups were an intentional movement on behalf of Starbucks to take the “Christ” out of Christmas. Now, Christians all over are equating this act with persecution because there aren’t any overt references to Christmas on the cups. Yeah, I’m being entirely serious. I could not wrap my mind around the argument he was trying to make. Red cups are persecution? He also commented that Starbucks employees are banned from saying “Merry Christmas” and that Starbucks “hates Jesus.” Those are some pretty lofty, completely unfounded claims. I’m not writing this because I love Starbucks or I want those sweet, sweet Creme Brûlée lattes protected: I’m writing this because American Christians need to stop claiming that they are being persecuted. Starbucks is a company. It is run by a CEO. It is composed of almost two hundred thousand employees who work in stores all over the world. Corporations aren’t religious. When we all die and get to those pearly gates, I don’t think Starbucks will be standing alongside Chick Fil A waiting to hear if they get to spend eternity worshipping the good Lord. The people who compose the corporation can be religious, but in and of itself, the corporation is