San Clemente City Magazine Winter 2015 | Page 16

sailing Since 1976, Aventura Sailing has offered the best in bareboat and skippered charters and sailing instruction. We are a membership sailing club that you can be lessons a part of without buying a boat! WE TEACH YOU HOW TO SAIL AND KEEP YOU SAILING! Basic Sailing Lessons Our Basic Sailing course consists of 21 hours of instruction designed for the student with limited or no experience in sailing and will qualify members for chartering. Included are 9 hours of classroom lecture emphasizing nautical terminology, aerodynamics of sail, boating safety, rules of the road, radio procedure, anchoring and heavy weather survival. In addition, students exercise practical sailing skills in 12 hours of lab sessions aboard 30 ft. boats, with emphasis on sailing maneuvers, docking procedures and “man-overboard” recovery techniques. An additional 2 hour lab emphasizing Aventura charter policies, boat systems, and safety is given to members. Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 30 Jan 31 JANUARY BASIC SAILING CLASS Sat 8:00-11:00 am Lecture I all students 11:00-2:30 pm Lab I Sat 10:00-12:00 noon Lecture II 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab II Sat 10:00-12:00 noon Lecture III 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab III Sat 10:00-12:00 noon Lecture IV 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab IV Sun 12:00-2:00 pm Lab V Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 20 Feb 27 Feb 28 FEBRUARY BASIC SAILING CLASS Sat 8:00-11:00 am Lecture I all students 11:00-2:30 pm Lab I Sun 10:00-12:00 noon Lecture II 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab II Sun 10:00-12:00 pm Lecture III 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab III Sat 10:00-12:00 noon Lecture IV 3 choices 7:00, 12:00, 3:00 Lab IV Sun 10:00-12:00 noon Lab V Coastal Navigation Course Basic Labs In our Coastal Navigation course, students are introduced to navigation of coastal areas, including use of a chart, planning a cruise, dead reckoning a position and fixing a position by means of a compass and two landmarks. Also covered is navigation under conditions of reduced visibility, reading navigational aids, use of a GPS and position plots when only one landmark is observable. I. Dockside Orientation II. Sailing Maneuvers, Man Overboard III. Docking & Sailing Review IV. Anchoring, Docking & Sailing Review V. Members Orientation: Policies & Procedures Cost: $275 Non-Member Certification Required for Multiple Day Charters 1. Dead Reckoning, Plotting a Course 2. Fixing a Position 3. Electronic Navigation, Planning a Cruise Cost: $150 Non-Member Basic Lectures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Terminology Safety – PFD’s, Fire, Man Overboard Sailing Checklists, Knot Tying Rules of the Road, Aids to Navigation, Systems Heavy Weather, Anchoring, Examination SIGN UP TODAY 14 | S Magazine SOUTHCOASTMAGAZINE.COM Coastal Navigation Lectures Jan 13 Jan 20 Jan 27 Wed Wed Wed JANUARY CLASS 7:00-9:30 pm 7:00-9:30 pm 7:00-9:30 pm Lecture I Lecture II Lecture III ENJOY THE FUN OF SAILING WITHOUT BUYING A BOAT! Advanced Sailing Course Our Advanced Sailing course is designed for the student with experience on 30-32 ft. keelboats with inboard engines and wheel steering. It includes 12 hours of classroom lectures and 12 hours of on-the-water instruction and will qualify members for chartering boats 33-36 ft. Topics covered in the course include advanced sailing techniques, sail shape and trim, docking, mooring and anchoring procedures, night navigation, marine electronics, heavy weather seamanship and use of the sextant in navigation. Basic Lectures 1. 2. 3. 4. Sail Shape & Trim, Tuning, Balance of Sail Plan Weather, Maneuvers Under Power Night Sailing, Diesel Engines Anchoring, Heavy Weather Sailing Basic Labs I. Advanced Sailing II. Docking, Maneuvers Under Power III. Night Sailing, Electronic Navigation IV. Anchoring, Heavy Weather Techniques Cost: $300 Non-Member Jan 10 Jan 17 Jan 24 Jan 31 JANUARY ADVANCED SAILING CLASS Sun 8:00 am Lecture I 2 choices 11:00am / 2:00pm Lab I Sun 10:00