leadership training
How to Win Cooperation and
Influence People
Everyone is focused on results, but how to achieve
them has always been the real question.
In today’s business environment- where teamwork has
replaced hierarchies- you need new skills to survive. Often
in these team situations, you have no direct authority over
the team members, yet you are expected to win their support and get everyone pulling in the same direction.
Then the question becomes, How to Win Cooperation and
Influence People to achieve the desired results?
The answer is in this new one-day seminar that will help
you learn how to use you credibility and positive image to
influence people to your point of view and create alignment so you can get the results you want and need to be
competitive in today’s environment.
Fee: $398
April 8
August 26
October 28
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
How to Communicate with a
Confident, A