San Clemente City Magazine Summer/Fall 2015 | Page 18

Biggie’s Burgers OWNER HELPS VETS GET AND RUN THEIR OWN BURGER OUTLET by Bill Koelzer ir Force veteran Richard Brown, owner of Biggie’s Great Burgers & Shakes on South El Camino Real near Ralph’s Grocery, loves both his work and helping other military veterans get ahead in life. In 2014, the Orange County Register named him one of the year’s 100 “Most Influential Persons” in the county. Why? Because with over 50 years’ experience, Richard got out there and started a new program that makes it easy for veterans to own, and effectively run, their OWN virtual clone of his highly successful and profitable local Biggie’s Burgers­—anywhere in the country, This new great opportunity comes through Sunrise Warriors, which trains the veterans to mimic the clock-work precision Brown has perfected over a lifetime of innovation in the business. After thoroughly training here locally at Biggie’s Boot Camp and in a live environment, the new VBOs (Veteran Business Owners) take those skills back to their home towns and open their doors with the help of Sunrise’s opening crew. Sunrise Warriors walks the newbie through every operational aspect of their new business, from financing through personnel, promotion, equipment, selecting materials, food sources, customer/community relations and more. Richard Brown’s background in the restaurant industry is extensive. As a youth, he worked at his dad’s restaurant in Oakland. “That’s all I ever wanted to do was have my own restaurant” Richard says. When he joined the Air Force, Brown was the one in the dangerous back end of Boeing KC-135 and Boeing Strato-tanker refueling planes as he delicately directed the hose in the path of B52’s being aerially refueled. In 1962, he opened the first Taco Bell and began building 16 | S Magazine his food service skills, being TB’s fifth employee and owning his own franchise unit in Westminster. He became a Taco Bell Operations Manager; then, after 20 years, retired, took it easy and went sailing, but missed the action. Brown says, “Military men and women have learned leadership skills and the ability to follow specific directions every Richard & Judi Brown