SAMPLING , ANALYSIS AND LAB ASSAY to be mobile , with a design that allows disassembly of the GAA complex and transport in four 40-ft ( 12.2-m ) containers .
The Au-Isomer GAA facility has been certified by the State Test and Measurement Instrument Certification Centre of the D . I . Mendeleev All- Russian Institute for Metrology , according to Baltic Scientific Instruments , with the Pavlik facility recognised as suitable for use in testing samples of rocks , ores and associated goldbearing products by the GAA method using a UELR-8-10A linear electron accelerator . This latter method has also passed the relevant “ metrological certification ” process .
Baltic Scientific Instruments has also been making waves in the online analysis sector , having , for many years , supplied its CON-X XRF conveyor analyser to the market to identify and measure the concentration of the elements and minerals in ores and materials on a conveyor belt . The analyser , the company says , can detect elements from Al ( Z = 13 ) to U ( Z = 92 ).
“ Online analysis of material composition becomes possible only if the results are independent of variations in external parameters , such as the temperature and humidity of the analysed material , and , in the analyser environment , variations in the material lump size and height , etc ,” the company said . “ The CON-X analyser has been designed to account for these variations .”
Specifically designed software uses X-ray spectra to account for changes in the distance to the measured material , which provides the user with the correct results , irrespective of the material flow rate . Variations in the humidity levels are also accounted for if they are found to affect the measurement results . Due to its simplicity and reliability , the analyser has been used in ore mining for control of impurities in quartz sand , for the determination of potassium and phosphate materials , for copper-nickel and ferrochrome analysis , for evaluation of uraniumthorium ores , and others , Baltic Scientific said .
Exploring core
Another company leveraging X-ray technology to gauge mineral properties is Orexplore Technologies .
Having just been spun off from Swick Mining Services , the company is ready to go commercial with its offering .
The company ’ s flagship GeoCore X10 ® instrument uses non-destructive , patented attenuation and X-ray Fluorescence ( XRF ) combined measurement techniques to enhance the identification and understanding of key features within drill core including geochemical composition and mineralogy ; 3D structures ; texture , fabric and grain size ; density ; and controls on mineralisation . This flagship hardware is complemented by Orexplore
Insight ® , a software solution that displays the 3D structure , density , detected chemical elements and emerging mineralogy models at high resolution .
This combination can see Orexplore scan four 1 m cores at a time , offering low-resolution and high-resolution scans that take 15 minutes per metre and 30 minutes per metre , respectively . The way the units have been designed allows for one technician to operate up to three machines , accelerating the scanning process .
While drill core may be the initial focus area , the company also outlined potential applications in crushing and separation , mineral / metal recovery and environmental monitoring during a December investor presentation . At this same event , it also spelled out a total addressable market of 107.8 million metres in 2022 , of which 27.5 million metres was deemed to have potential for the GeoCore X10 ’ s suitability for scanning core sizes of NQ or less .
Minalyze has also recently made strides within the field of XRF-backed core scanning , with its Minalyzer CS scanner .
LKAB became the first iron ore miner in the world to implement this system and , with the help of Minalyze and Sentian , is now starting the process of automating its drill core logging workflow .
The Minalyzer CS scanner , Minalyze says , generates a variety of data including continuous chemical XRF analysis , core photography , specific gravity estimation , rock quality designation and digital structural logging , assisting clients to make real-time decisions relating to drilling and exploration activities .
By collecting data in an automated system , LKAB is aiming to improve the consistency and efficiency of its core logging process , Minalyze said .
LKAB and Minalyze initiated the collaboration in March 2020 when the first scanner was installed at the Kiruna iron ore mine for a test . Testing was then expanded to Malmberget where data from the Minalyzer CS was used to help geological logging of the drill core . The focus for the tests was to assess the data sets – geochemistry , high resolution images , RQD and specific gravity generated by the scanner – and to determine how these data sets can assist in the core logging process .
Following these developments , the two companies plus Sentian , in May 2021 , said an artificial intelligence application developed by the trio would be trialled to make drill core analysis faster , with the time to evaluate a drill core reduced from weeks to minutes , with increased accuracy .
Another XRF-based core scanning technology with automation capabilities that has increased its reach in recent years is Boart Longyear ’ s TruScan™ solution .
Designed to provide same-day continuous analysis of drill core or chips , and quickly provide non-destructive , accurate , high-density elemental concentration data , TruScan ’ s capabilities have grown with the incorporation of TruStructure software .
TruStructure , which is being used at several global mine sites in association with TruScan , is a realistic solution to structurally logging core much faster with higher precision and accuracy than what is done today with traditional core logging practices , according to Mike Ravella , Vice President Geological Data Services . The combination of TruScan and the TruStructure and AutoLogger software packages allows automatic logging of core for structure and lithology .
“ TruStructure allows the geologist to log core from their computer anywhere in the world ,” he told IM . “ This eliminates the need and cost for the geologist to fly to and stay on site . It also eliminates the risk of the geologist being exposed to the environment and COVID .”
The software provides unbiased interpretation using automated structural feature identification software . It also allows the geologist to review and modify the software output , using machine learning from studying the geologists ’ corrections to improve itself , according to Ravella .
“ The practical approach , ease of use , smart software and machine learning separates TruStructure from anything in the market ,” he said . “ That said , the biggest advantage to mining clients using TruScan and associated software like TruStructure is that the outputs are all part of a seamless unified orebody knowledge solution that ties all of our Geological Data Services technologies and data outputs together and seamlessly integrates into their data environment .”
Ravella said , on top of the well-documented Newcrest Mining TruScan deployment , Boart Longyear had completed further market adoption with TruScan in 2021 , adding that the company would likely be rolling the XRF technology out further in several minerals , including copper , gold , lead / zinc , bauxite and iron ore .
Anecdotal evidence to this point has shown that , when fully integrated into the workflow of a mine site , TruScan can save mining clients 75 % of their overall cost of logging and assay , according to Ravella .
And the technology ’ s analysis capabilities are starting to be leveraged across more than just drill core , Ravella said .
“ TruScan accurately scans chip samples in addition to core samples ,” he said . “ This allows us to use TruScan in the drill and blast , as well as mineral processing space , to measure the concentrations of process critical elements and minerals . Clients are trialling TruScan in both these spaces today .” IM
FEBRUARY 2022 | International Mining 81