Sample - 2019 Ontario Municipal Directory Ontario Municipal Directory 2019_SAMPLE | Page 6
You Can’t Do Business
Without the Directory
The Ontario Municipal Directory is your go-to
resource for all the information you need
By Angela Morgan
CMO, AOMC, AMCTO President
MCTO has a vision to be a leading
organization in fostering, promot-
ing and sustaining excellence in
municipal management and ad-
ministration in Ontario. The creation of the
Ontario Municipal Directory is an example of
one of the many invaluable resources AMC-
TO provides to the sector and will assist in
fostering excellence in the management of
your organization.
The directory includes names, titles and
contact information for the head of council
and department heads of each of Ontario’s
444 municipalities. Also included is a listing
of the population size and household statis-
tics for each municipality, and a listing of key
municipal associations and service boards.
This information is reliable and is verified
every year by AMCTO in consultation with
staff from municipalities across Ontario. If
you do business with or within the munici-
pal sector, the 2019 directory is an essential
To ensure you are receiving the most up-
to-date information, we encourage you to
supplement your investment in the print
version of the directory with an annual sub-
scription to the online version. The electronic
version is updated throughout the year and
has the added features of mapping, down-
loading of data and creation of mailing lists
as well as the ability to search.
Thank you for your purchase of the 2019
Ontario Municipal Directory. I am confi-
dent you will utilize this valuable resource
throughout the year and will see significant
benefits as a result.