Sample - 2019 Ontario Municipal Directory Ontario Municipal Directory 2019_SAMPLE | Page 12

YOUR TOP, TRUSTED COMMUNITY ASSET ... AND PARTNER In Ontario’s over 305 public library systems, there are 1,158 public library branches serving 99.34 per cent of Ontario’s population, including Indigenous communities. With 200 million visits per year, 548,000 visits per day, and 22,831 visits per hour, that comes to 381 visits per minute! There’s simply no other public institution which gets 6.34 visits every second, all year long 24/7/365. Ontario’s public libraries offer so many fantastic programs equitably for all – over 300,000 in 2017, which attracted over five million residents! We’ve grown over 82 per cent in 10 years. The public value goes on and on: Early literacy and early learning, career skills and job help, genealogy, business, entrepreneur and community development, Summer Reading Club, homework help, teen programs, newcomers to Canada, seniors’ programs, book clubs, Culture Days, Makerspaces, and so many more! Choose to visit and learn! Ontario’s Public Libraries: Check Us Out! A Visit Will Get You Thinking. Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Ontario Library Association Southern Ontario Library Service Ontario Library Service - North