SAMNET NEWS RAMADAAN 1435/JUNE2014 Volume 1 Issue 1 | Page 3

Dear Comrade Ramaphosa RE: STATEMENTS REGARDING MUSLIMS ATTRIBUTED TO YOU We hope that this e-mail finds you in good spirit and health, by the grace of God Almighty, and ready for a tough election campaign and the new challenges that lie ahead for you. LEGAL REPRESENTATION: MAY STREET MUSJID Salaams, JazakAllah to you all for the support. Allah reward you in both worlds (Ameen) Salaams/Best Regards Yunus G.H. Randeree Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any respect on that account." [Muslim] The South African Muslim Network has received inquiries from concerned Muslims about an apparent statement attributed to you to the effect that Islam is an Indian religion. As I am sure you understand that when someone of your stature and position, if indeed true, makes a serious misstatement like that, it does cause serious concerns of the Muslim community, especially with the rising debates about minority rights as well as rising Islamophobia in the world. We enclose for you some statistics about the distribution of Muslims in the world and in Africa and we look forward to your urgent response to clarify whether this statement was made by you or not. We would further like to extend an invitation to you to meet when next you are in Kind Regards Durban. Dear Dr Suliman We have consulted with Mr Ramaphosa on this matter and can advise as follows. Mr Ramaphosa would like to thank you for bringing this important matter to his attention. He hereby confirms that he never made such a statement. Please accept the assurances of his well wishes to yourself and to the South African Muslim Network. Kind regards, Melanie Melanie Spencer PA to the Executive Chairman, MC Ramaphosa