Samba Events April 2014 | Page 2

The echo of football chants and beating of Samba drums signaled the start of Sheffield’s World MenCup on the 8th of March. Sheffield Businesses congregated at Bawtry Road Sports Park to participate in Sheffield's first World MenCup. The teams battling for Sheffield World MenCup 2014 Trophy were; Wickes- Brazil, Mydallions: Costa Rica, McDonalds- Ivory Coast, Sheffield Hallam-France, Sheffield Mencap- Spain, and SDL- Ghana. This issue will be critically evaluating the achievement of the objectives and justifying why each objective was set, analysing the event deisgn and experience from the attendee, charity, and venue's perceptive using the results of the official World MenCup survey, devulging the teams raw honest opinions on this years World MenCup. Getz (2005: 377) sets out seven practical reasons for evaluating:

1.To identify and solve problems

2.To find ways to improve management

3.To determine the worth of the event or its programme

4.To measure success or failure

5.To identify and measure impacts

6.To satisfy sponsors and stakeholders

7.To gain acceptance, credibility, and support