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    Ayurvedic to give patients that extra option in their health. Overall, Ayurvedic Medicine has many beneficial traits to offer to not only medical anthropologists in the medical field and their patients but anyone in the community who wants to maintain a healthy stable body. The concept behind the medicine is very basic and is simple to understand it’s just a matter of following it and maintaining an even balance within the body. By allowing one’s body to go through the natural herbs, exercise, and even massages one can keep a steady balance of health and can prevent illnesses to occur in the future. Each person has their own body and their own lifestyle to maintain but with the Ayurvedic medicine one can keep that body and lifestyle healthy. Based off of one’s unique prakriti taking the time to find the needs for an individual’s nutrition, exercise, social life, and daily lifestyle will decide the balance of one’s health. Works Cited Narayanasamy, Aru. "Ayurvedic medicine: An introduction for nurses." British journal of Nursing 15.21 (2006): 118590. Chang, Louise Ayurvedic Medicine. WebMD, (2012): 1-2. LLC. 10.11 Lang, Claudia "Appropriating Depression: Biomedicalizing Ayurvedic Psychiatry in Kerala, India." Medical Anthropology 32.1 (2013): 25-45. Langford, Jean “Ayurvedic Interiors: Person, Space, and Episteme in Three Medical Practices.” Cultural Anthropology. 10.3 (1995). 334- 335.   30