SALT Central Coast Issue 2 | Page 13

Leverage your ability to refer You can leverage your referrals by making them available to anyone – whether a buying customer or not. Put them on your website under a heading: ‘People We Trust’, refer at business meetings or coffee catch ups. Refer often and refer well. Just make sure that the referrals are appropriate and your personal stock in your local business community will soar. 2. Keep your best customers This one is easy - if you refer your CLIENTS to others, they will be more likely to refer you, and continue buying from you. Studies show that a customer of yours that you refer to others is more likely to buy again from you than other existing but non-referred customers and clients. A nice simple pay off for referring appropriately. 3. Create business relationships You need to remember one thing above all: never give referrals to companies that don’t deserve them. Even if they could generate more business for you, you’ll lose in the long run if your referrals aren’t trustworthy. Referrals work both ways The key to getting referrals from the companies you refer to, is to ask for it. You’ll often miss out on referral opportunities just because the other company doesn’t know you or know that you want referrals as well. But what if they don’t know you? Simple; arrange a meeting with them to discuss what you do – making clear it is about creating a return referral situation and not to pitch for a sale. (But if your offering is relevant to them you may even pick up a sale!) In addition to being known to the other company you also need to fulfil the first two recommendations for giving referrals: you need to be relevant to their customers and you need to deliver a referral-worthy service. More than ever in this Social media world referrals mean business and taking the time to master giving and asking for them will make your business all the better. Be well. Sincerely, Geoff Hetherington JG Hetherington: The Dancing Blind Man Business Advisors DBM| ABN: 77 835 948 613 | Phone: 0427136770 | Email: [email protected] 11