Saliksikhay SALIKSIKHAY_abstracts_PDFv5 | Page 21

Disaster Risk Reduction & Resiliency and places of work in hazard-prone areas, and enhancing public discourse to promote attitudinal and behavioral change towards disaster risk management. Aside from the training component, another key contribution of the HANDA Program is the MSME Disaster Resilience Study, which describes the disaster experiences of MSMEs, specifically the observed impact to business operations, as well as best practices in disaster preparedness and business continuity. The results of this study can aid in the formulation of policies and development of programs related to community disaster risk reduction, and strategies for business resilience. In 2018, UP launched a 30-page Smart Business Guide on How to Prepare a Business Continuity Plan which aims to assist MSME get started in their business continuity plan preparation. A Lookup-Based Decision Support System for Classification and Prioritization of Disaster-Related Tweets for Disaster Response Raymond Freth A. Lagria Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research E-mail: [email protected] Disasters have unsettled the normal functions and way of life in many countries around the world. The Philippines is one of the most badly hit by disasters every year and has consistently ranked among the top three most at-risk countries in the World Risk Index. One method of mitigating the impacts of disasters is to improve the utilization of technology-based platforms such as Twitter. There have been numerous studies on the use of Twitter in times of disaster, including content analysis of disaster- related tweets, sentiment analysis of users and even disaster events prediction. However, one problem with using Twitter as a tool for disaster response is the lack of an existing multilingual text mining framework that can classify and prioritize Filipino-authored disaster-related tweets, which can aid local responders in acting more quickly. This project proposes such a framework, which describes four stages or modules in Twitter text mining for disaster response: the Pre-processing Stage, Topics UP Diliman SALIKSIKHAY | 17