SALGA annual report 2016/17 SALGA ANNUAL REPORT 201617 PRINTED FINAL | Page 46

PERFORMANCE BACKGROUND 2016/17 Strategic outcome oriented goals The SALGA strategic plan 2012-2017 was a culmination of an extensive consultative process through the governance structures as outlined in the SALGA constitution. The strategy focused on outcome indicators over and above output indicators. It placed greater emphasis on results, outcomes and impact through the collective effort of the unitary structure. The strategic goals contained in the SALGA strategic plan represented the long-term results (outcomes and impacts) that the organisation is to champion as the basis of driving service delivery, transformation, growth and development in the sector as a whole. They also represented the strategic focus that harnessed and galvanised the resources and efforts of the organisation towards a common purpose. 46 The following seven goals were identified: 1. Local government delivering equitable and sustainable services; 2. Safe and healthy environment and communities; 3. Planning and socio-economic development at the local level; 4. Effective, responsive and accountable local governance for communities; 5. Human capital development in local government; 6. Financially and organisationally capacitated municipalities; and 7. Effective and efficient administration.