SALGA annual report 2016/17 SALGA ANNUAL REPORT 201617 PRINTED FINAL | Page 28

Strategic overview the sector. The strategic goals represented the long-term results (outcomes and impacts) that the association has championed as the basis for driving service delivery, transformation, growth and development in the sector as a whole. These goals also serve as the basis for measuring success in the long-term. They represent the strategic focus that harnesses and galvanises the resources and efforts of the organisation towards a common purpose. Importantly, the goals also serve as a focal point for partners and stakeholders to lead and participate in interventions that are geared towards growing and developing the sector. The plan has seven goals as follows: 1. Local government delivering equitable and sustainable services; 2. Safe and healthy environment and communities; 3. Planning and socio-economic development at the local level; 4. Effective, responsive and accountable local governance to communities; 5. Human capital development in local government; 6. Financially and organisationally capacitated municipalities; and 7. Effective and efficient administration. SALGA apex priorities: SALGA has identified cross-cutting priority areas that focus on critical impediments that have impacted negatively on the ability of local government to perform optimally. These are an integral part of the overall goals, objectives and activities of the strategy but have been isolated due to the potential impact they could have towards the realisation of developmental local government. Addressing these could fundamentally overhaul the local government system in South Africa and place it on a path that would enable it to perform across a wide range of its mandates. To decisively address the declining confidence in local government. The outcome here is to stabilise the sector and achieve institutional consolidation reflected in a strong anti-corruption, accountability and consequence management regime in the sector. APEX ONE REVIEW OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY FRAMEWORK IMPACTING NEGATIVELY ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT A centralised and integrated Local Government Knowledge and Intelligence Resource remains a challenge and therefore makes it difficult for local government authorities to access information in a timely manner in order to make informed and reliable decisions. The fiscal regime APEX TWO compromises most SOUND FINANCIAL municipalities to deliver MANAGEMENT AND on their mandates. Challenges FISCAL FRAMEWORK here include municipalities that have limited economic bases and by FOR LOCAL extension limited rates bases. GOVERNMENT APEX FOUR REPOSITION SALGA AS A CENTRE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXCELLENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND INTELLIGENCE APEX THREE IMPROVE MUNICIPAL CAPACITY BUILDING Capacity in municipalities has remained a stubborn challenge despite huge efforts and funds that have been dedicated to it. 28