Sales Deck 2025 | Page 4

Here ’ s how Premiere can help you reach your business goals .
61.6k +
57 + Countries and All 50 States Represented
58 % of Attendees Were New to Premiere 2024
5.3 Million + Impressions on Social Media
713k +
115K +


Here ’ s how Premiere can help you reach your business goals .

BUILD BRAND RECOGNITION WITHIN THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY Gain recognition with beauty professionals , expand your reach to new buyers , meet the next generation of professionals , and establish brand loyalty to become a key industry player .
DRIVE IMMEDIATE PRODUCT SALES Take advantage of our cash-and-carry show floor and interactive demonstrations to generate instant sales right from your booth space .
CONNECT WITH QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS Engage with high-caliber beauty professionals from around the globe , including cosmetologists , barbers , makeup artists , lash techs , estheticians , nail artists , and salon and spa owners .
ONE $ 800 CLASSROOM INCLUDED WITH BOOTH COMMITMENT , based on availability . Educate Premiere attendees on your brand ’ s products or techniques in an intimate classroom setting to foster personal connections and drive traffic to your booth .
Learn more about educating with Premiere on pg . 17


61.6k +

Attendee Visits in 2024

57 + Countries and All 50 States Represented

58 % of Attendees Were New to Premiere 2024

5.3 Million + Impressions on Social Media

713k +

Show Preview Copies Mailed Nationally

115K +

Subscribers in Email Database