SALCC Sports SALCC Sports Recap 2018-19 | Page 14

JAVELIN (Mon, 30 th Jan 2019) Javelin concluded the on-campus Field Events and like the previous events, it was a success. It had taken a lot of determination, patience and strength to get through the event because the sun was extremely hot but after having to stand in it for Long Jump, athletes still persevered. Here were the official Javelin results: Under 18 Division (Female) PLACE NAME HOUSE DISTANCE 1 st KHODRA, Nikaela Lewis 23.59 m 2 nd JOSEPH, Kennisha Thomas 21.96 m 3 rd MATHURIN, Rocksun Thomas 13.94 m Under 18 Division (Male) PLACE NAME HOUSE DISTANCE 1 st CEPAL, Dhan-Raj Thomas 40.38 m 2 nd BUSBY, Sheldon Lewis 37.40 m 3 rd ALEXANDER, Leantus François 23.0 m 18 + Division (Female) PLACE NAME HOUSE DISTANCE Lewis 27.97 m 1 st EDWARD, Gibba 2 nd EDWARD, Kersandra Walcott 21.76 m 3 rd EMMANUEL, Milan 8.86 m Thomas 13