Sage 100 Contractor Product Book Sage 100 Contractor Product Book | Page 14

Project manager Nick understands that a project’s profitability sometimes depends on how quickly he can make an informed decision. Knowing how a job is performing comes from experience, but experience is not always enough to keep a project fully under control. Nick can recognize what a job’s status should be and whether or not the project team is on track. He can evaluate the state of the site and the quality of the work, understand the team’s capacity to finish what’s left, or keep on top of the many daily reports. As a project manager, he’s earned respect from his employer and from his industry contacts. But even the best project manager relies on up-to-date project information to make critical decisions fast, so an unexpected event doesn’t undercut all the profits. Real-time job status is the key. Taking control made the difference. Before implementing Sage 100 Contractor, Nick couldn’t see the current job status picture. Too often, what he needed was available too late. For example, if productivity deteriorated, it may not be caught for a week or more. Taking time to pencil out financially where things stood was difficult and definitely could not be done on a daily basis. Besides the lag in labor cost reporting, Nick often found an invoice not coded to the proper job, skewing the numbers. Or a missing change order not approved in time, slowing down the project. Worse, the guys on the site would choose to go ahead with an unapproved change order to keep production moving, but doing so would put billable work at risk. On the first new project using Sage 100 Contractor, Nick found he was really in control in a way he’d never experienced. He could view job progress reports by easily clicking on a screen, and, if any costs looked questionable, he could drill down for more details. With everyone working within one system fitted to their construction processes, the office is now able to keep up with quickly inputting change orders, paying new invoices, managing payroll, tracking labor costs, and entering other jobrelated costs in real time. The result: greater confidence in knowing exactly where the project stands at any given moment. Now, Nick has the visibility h