Sagaform SS22 | Page 5


Welcome to a new active season together with us at Sagaform . Gift ideas and kitchen accessories in timeless Scandinavian design which cares about the familiar . We call them Swedish Originals , classic quality products which will last year after year and be used and appreciated by many families and generations . Stylish and functional design which finds a home in many fantastic ways .
This spring and summer our Swedish Original collection includes surprises and classics which lure us out of doors and into the open landscape . We borrow the inviting colours of nature : blue , green , beige and brown and get inspired by the obvious shapes giving us a comfy and relaxed Scandinavian style with a sporty touch . The classic and characteristic stripe runs like a green thread through the whole collection and is stylishly mixed with genuine , round and soft shapes . The collection is topped with splashes of crispy white which always creates a cheerful feeling .
Among mountains , by the sea , in woods and fields we take in the personalities of nature . Sometimes alone but preferably together with family and friends . We are equipped from head to toe for all that outdoor life entails . The journey takes us from north to south but also beyond our borders . On a bicycle , on foot or on a boat we experience new places and get seduced by new views . We socialize over the generations and continue to care for traditions , big and small . Comfortable blankets embrace us after a refreshing bath and we let silence bring us new ideas during long warm evenings at home on the patio . As you know , moments and traditions mean something quite extra to us . Because surely they can , like our products can , keep on living for generations .
In this collection , as before , we weave in sustainable materials that will stand wear and tear over time . We present new series in organic cotton and products made of rPET . Other materials are stainless steel , glass , acrylic and enamel . We also welcome new family members to the glass series Saga , which stands for all that Sagaform is to us , gifts and kitchen accessories to love and appreciate for a long time to come .