Saffron Walden Flyer SaffronWalden_Flyer_May2017_For_Web | Page 4

The Flyer Local Matters with Sir Alan Haselhurst MP The Saffron Walden Flyer Established 2017 It came as a surprise to me to have the Saffron Walden constituency described as though it was the crime capital of the county. Copy deadlines: June edition: 10/05/17 July edition: 10/06/17 Advertise in the Flyer Tel: 01279 874 346 Established reputation and unrivalled distribution The Saffron walden Flyer is part of the Flyer Group established in 1997. We have magazines in Bishop’s Stortford, Sawbridgeworth, Colchester, Brightlingsea, Ipswich Kesgrave, Martlesham, Woodbridge and Felixstowe Head offi ce: Flyer House, Bridge road, Felixstowe IP11 7AA www.fl In fact our area, albeit having seen a slight rise in crime, has one of the lowest crime rates in Essex. Just because some crime occurs is no reason to suppose that lawlessness Sir Alan has descended. Hazelhurst It is outrageously misleading local people to apply a fi gure from the county as a whole to our own more tranquil parts. Recorded crime has risen in part, because as in the example of domestic violence people are now more prepared to come forward and report it. Equally more attention is being given by the police to cases of child abuse and cyber-crime. Beyond this there are very few public order offences, very little shoplifting, next to no robberies, a low amount of vehicle crime, virtually no violent crime and a Contents relatively small number of anti-social behaviour incidents. Above all there is no relationship between the crime rate and the presence of a police station. The nature of criminality is changing and so policing must change in response. I recognize that sight of a police uniform or a patrol car is a reassurance for many people. The disposal of redundant police stations and this year’s rise in the precept should lead to an increase of around forty in police numbers. Yet even if the Chief Constable was to be blessed with an addition of ten times that number, it is inevitable that most of them would be assigned to areas of high crime or to offi ce-bound duties where the battle against abuse, terrorism and cyber- crime is likely to be conducted. Of course there is no room for complacency, but a sense of proportion would be helpful in assessing what Essex police do for us. Local Rotary Club 9 13 ADVERTISING SALES: CUSTOMER SERVICE: NEWS ARTICLES: PRINT AND DELIVERY: 6 adrian.bradshaw@fl accounts@fl newsdesk@fl jon@fl © The Saffron Walden Flyer 2017. Views and opinions mentioned are not necessarily those of the editor or proprietor and no responsibility will be taken for the accuracy of information contained herein. For further information on advertising in the Flyer, please call 01279 874 346 or email: adrian.bradshaw@fl Proprietor: Flyer Franchising Ltd. All advert layouts & design are property of Sawbridgeworth & District Flyer. The standard charge for unauthorised reproduction is £250. Designed & Printed by Flyer Press www.fl Tel: 01394 283371 4 TH E FLYER | MAY 2 0 1 7 Local MP, Sir Alan Haselhurst, was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Saffron Walden’s meeting on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Sir Alan spoke on a range of subjects including developments at Stansted Airport, broadband provision in Uttlesford, especially in the villages and the refurbishment of the Houses of Parliament. Following his talk, he answered questions from many of the 35 members of the club at the meeting. Before Sir Alan’s talk, club president David Telford, welcomed local electrical engineer, Jeremy Buss back to the club after a year’s sabbatical absence. From left, club junior vice-president Malcolm Head, Sir Alan Haselhurst, club president David Telford and Jeremy Buss. Letters to the Editor Send your letters to News desk, The Saffron Walden Flyer, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishop’s Stortford, CM22 7WE or email nesksdesk@fl Pl ease menti on ‘The Fl yer’ when respondi ng to adv e rti s e me nts