Of the 9,600 people in the UK who will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year , many of them will live in Suffolk and Essex . Some could be or may be your family , friends or neighbours .
Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all the 21 common cancers , with just five per cent of patients surviving with the disease for five years or more .
Pancreatic Cancer UK is working to change the future for everyone affected by pancreatic cancer by offering support , through funding research and campaigning .
The charity offers expert , personalised support and information to people affected by pancreatic cancer in your community . The free and confidential Pancreatic Cancer UK Support Line run by specialist nurses is a lifeline to both patients and carers and provides expert support and information about all aspects of the disease . The Support Line is open weekdays between 10am
– 4pm by calling 0808 801 0707 or emailing support @ pancreaticcancer . org . uk
Support can also be found for those affected on the Pancreatic Cancer UK Forum ( forum . pancreaticcancer . org . uk ), or through local support groups , such as the Essex Pancreatic Cancer Support Network . A list of existing support groups can be found at pancreaticcancer . org . uk / supportgroups . The charity also runs Living with Pancreatic Cancer days and study days throughout the year . The most recent study day was held last month in Cambridge .
Shockingly , survival rates have improved very little since the early 1970s , and by 2026 , pancreatic cancer will be the fourth biggest cancer killer in the UK , unless research funding is dramatically increased .
Pancreatic cancer research has historically been underfunded and currently it receives just 1.4 % of UK cancer research funding per year . Pancreatic Cancer UK says this has led to an unacceptable lack of breakthroughs into methods of diagnosing the disease early . This means that the vast majority of patients are diagnosed too late to have the chance of receiving surgery , the one treatment which can save lives .
Speak to a specialist nurse Freephone 0808 801 0707 support @ pancreaticcancer . org . uk
Pancreatic Cancer UK is taking on this tough disease by funding world leading researchers carrying out innovative research to find the breakthroughs that will change how we understand , diagnose and treat pancreatic cancer . The charity hopes to ensure that the total research spend for pancreatic cancer by all funders reaches £ 25 million per year in the UK by 2022 .
The charity also campaigns for change amongst MPs , policy makers and those working in the healthcare system to achieve better care and support for people affected . One of Pancreatic Cancer UK ’ s aims is to increase the political profile of pancreatic cancer
across England and work with the government to ensure pancreatic cancer is made a priority .
The charity ’ s recent ‘ Every Month Matters ’ petition calling for the bodies responsible for approving life-extending treatments on the NHS to take into account the huge value of extra time for people with just a few months to live . Of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer , around 80 % die within a year , therefore a treatment which could allow them to live a few months longer could be incredibly significant for people with pancreatic cancer and their families . Around 5,000 people have signed the petition so far .
For more information or to donate please call Pancreatic Cancer UK
Support Line : Freephone 0808 801 0707 or visit the website www . pancreaticcancer . org . uk
Continued from Page 16 .
will be allocated . The Neighbourhood Plan will help to form and shape that development which is likely within SW to ensure the best outcomes for local residents .
8 . What if we don ’ t want any development ?
There is a housing crisis in this country and a deficit of development in the past in this area . Neighbourhood Planning takes a positive view on development by helping to ensure that it complements the heritage of town and existing development .
9 . How will the Plan be used ?
The Neighbourhood Plan is a policy document against which all planning applications are judged , not a response to any individual application . Once the Plan is adopted applications will be judged against the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan together with policies in the Uttlesford District Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework . It must again be noted that the NP and Local Plan must be in conformity with one another and with the NPPF .
10 . Will a neighbourhood plan have ‘ weight ’ if it doesn ’ t finish the formal process ?
Planning law requires that planning applications are decided in accordance with the Local Plan , unless material
considerations indicate otherwise . An emerging neighbourhood plan may be considered as a material consideration ; this can depend on the stage the plan has reached and the level of consultation undertaken . It is for the decision maker to determine the weight to give to these considerations .
11 . If a town or parish council has made a neighbourhood plan , do they then have decision making responsibilities for applications , appeals , enforcement etc .?
No . Decision making remains with the local planning authority . The Town Council remains a statutory consultee for all planning applications .
12 . Can planning applications be judged as premature in relation to an emerging neighbourhood plan ?
Planning applications are decided in accordance with the local plan , unless material considerations indicate otherwise . An emerging neighbourhood plan may be considered as a material consideration depending on the stage the plan has reached and the level of consultation undertaken . It is for the decision maker to determine the weight to give to these considerations .
13 . How does the presumption in favour of sustainable development relate to a neighbourhood plan ?
The presumption in favour of sustainable development is principally a means of ensuring that plans , both local and neighbourhood , are positively prepared to achieve the best social , economic and environmental outcomes for an area . Neighbourhood plans need to have appropriate regard to this national policy . The presumption makes clear that planning applications which are in line with local plans and neighbourhood plans should normally be approved .
14 . Why don ’ t you address the chronic lack of primary health care facilities in the town ?
The Neighbourhood Plan could possibly include a requirement that contributions are made towards the provision of facilities for GP practices but ultimately , the actual service provision is the responsibility of the NHS .
15 . Given the record of developers in the past , what difference will the Neighbourhood Plan make ?
The Neighbourhood Plan includes a robust set of policies . Development proposals will be assessed against these policies and , where developers must make contributions either by building essential infrastructure or by providing financial support , these contributions are legally enforceable . One example is green space where , in the past , developers have failed to incorporate sufficient green infrastructure in
Uttlesford . Our Neighbourhood Plan is likely to propose that future developments must incorporate green space to Fields in Trusts and Natural England ’ s standards as a minimum .
16 . Who can vote in the referendum ?
A person is entitled to vote if at the time of the referendum , they meet the eligibility criteria to vote in a local election for the area and if they live in the neighbourhood area covered by the plan . A simple majority is all that is required for the plan to be approved .
17 . What happens after the referendum ?
If the Plan passes referendum , UDC will make it part of their District Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan is said to have been ‘ made ’. It will then be used to review future planning applications .
18 . What is the lifetime of neighbourhood plans ?
There are no specified time limits for neighbourhood plans ; this will be decided by the community and this must be specified on the plan itself . It is likely to be reviewed , however , at approximately five-yearly intervals . In our case , it is likely to follow the same timeframe as the emerging District Plan .
Sue Belo Neighbourhood Planning Coordinator
Saffron Walden Town Council