Safety Zone Magazine May 2023 | Page 12

Change is inevitable . Are you still doing your payroll manually ?
Some cars steer without touching the wheel . Errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs happen .
Computers fit in our pocket .
Mid-American Conference schools sometimes beat Big 10 schools in basketball and football .
For most people , change is ... difficult . Very difficult .
Change usually comes with perceived risk . Avoiding pain . Adapting to the unknown . Uneasiness . Fear of lost time and money .
The upside of change is improvement . Huge improvement .
However , many construction companies still manually prepare their payroll with a writing instrument and paper - just as it was done 200 years ago .
Mistakes were prevalent then as they are now .
Based on a study of 100,000 payrolls , at least 20 % of construction company payrolls will contain 1 or more errors , when audits rely on human review .
A proven web based certified payroll system by eMars has had “ 0 ” errors for all users since its inception 15 years ago .
The system was designed with considerable input from the Department of Labor , agencies and contractors . Compliant Client ’ s 55,000 + clients have not had any random Department of Labor audits for the past 3 years . The Department of Labor ’ s Chief of Compliance stated that “… your system already has completed the first level of an audit …”
The United States Army Corps of Engineers has mandated that electronic certified payrolls are a “ must ” for most districts .
What if changing from manual preparation of your payroll - no matter how big - to automated certified payroll , came with :
• No risk
• No pain
• 80 % saving of time and money
• Total compliance with the Davis Bacon Act
• No compliance errors for 55,000 + clients
• 24 hour customer service
• 3-minute Friday payroll
• Inexpensive price
Why ?
They don ’ t want construction companies or their sub-contractors having errors in their payroll .
Errors lead to ....
Angry employees . Large fines . Jail time . Going out of business .
Compliance difficulties don ’ t go away with “ I ’ m sorry ”.
10 SZM • May 2023