Safety Store Catalog CHAI_150070968_Safety Store Product Catalog Templa | Page 2
Safety Store
We’ve got you covered
You may be surprised to learn that preventable injuries pose the
greatest threat to the health of Colorado kids. These injuries range
from falls and drowning, to burns, suffocation, poisoning, and car
crashes, and are the leading causes of emergency department
visits from the time they’re born through their teenage years. The
important thing to remember about preventable injuries, however,
is that they’re preventable. They are not accidents. We can do things
to stop them, to make sure kids get the chance to be creative and
play; the chance to fall down, and get back up. Most injuries can be
prevented with the correct and consistent use of safety products
such as smoke alarms, bicycle helmets, and car seats. However,
with hundreds of different types of products on the market,
including a growing assortment of ‘childproofing’ items such as
cabinet locks, outlet covers, TV and furniture straps and window
guards, knowing which products to buy and how to use them can be
overwhelming for many parents.
The Safety Store at Children’s Hospital Colorado was created to
improve the health and well-being of Colorado kids by offering
families safety products and individualized prevention education.
We are pleased to offer a wide selection of products available for
Two Locations
transportation safety (including car seats), bike and pedestrian
safety, infant safe sleep, fire, and home safety. Staffed by
knowledgeable and experienced safety experts, the Safety Store
offers families tailored education and “one-stop” shopping at
prices at or below online and traditional retailers. Parents receive
customized product recommendations based on their child’s
age and stage of development, the home environment, and their
transportation needs. The Safety Store is also a designated child
passenger safety inspection station, where parents can schedule
a free appointment to have their car seats checked for proper use,
installation, and recall history.
For every purchase made at the store you will be contributing
to life-saving efforts currently underway throughout Colorado,
as 100% of the proceeds from the store are reinvested in
Children’s Hospital Colorado’s injury prevention education
and outreach initiatives.
Contact Us
[email protected]
Anschutz Medical Campus South Campus, Highlands Ranch
13123 East 16th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045
720-777-3185 1811 Plaza Drive, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129