Safety Sign Catalogue 2020 SDL-Safety-Sign-Catalogue-2020 | Page 85

SDL ~ Safety Sign Catalogue 2020 C U STO M S I G N S & L A B E L S MANDATORY MESSAGES MAND 2 Wear hearing protection MAND 5 Wear foot protection MAND 12 Wear respiratory protection MAND 7 Wear face shield MAND 20 Sound horn MAND 15 Wear safety harness MAND 3 Wear eye protection MAND 4 Wear head protection MAND 11 Wear hand protection MAND 18 Use adjustable guard MAND 16 Wash your hands MAND 1 General mandatory MAND 19 Keep locked MAND 10 Wear face mask MAND 28 Wear seatbelt MAND 6 Wear protective clothing MAND 14 Pedestrian route MAND 24 Wear laboratory coat MAND 27 Switch off after use MAND 13 Wear high visibility clothing MAND 26 Use litter bin MAND 21 Lift correctly MAND 31 Stack correctly PROH 2 No smoking PROH 3 No naked fl ames PROH 11 Not drinking water PROH 8 Do not operate PROH 7 Do not extinguish with water PROH 4 No access for pedestrians PROH 9 Do not use ladder PROH 1 General prohibition PROH 12 Do not use lift PROH 16 No eating or drinking PROH 36 Do not use mobile phones PROH 5 No fork lift trucks PROH 13 No unauthorised access PROH 10 No dogs PROH 6 Do not run PROH 34 No photography SAFE CONDITION MESSAGES SAFE 6 First aid SAFE 16 Location of fi rst aid telephone SAFE 7 Location of fi rst aid eye wash SAFE 5 Location of fi rst aid eye wash SAFE 17 General safe condition sign SAFE 3 Break to obtain access SAFE 4 First aid obtain access SAFE 2 Drinking water SAFE 15 Stretcher SAFE 25 Location of emergency stop button SAFE 9 Location of hand washing facility SAFE 10 Location of evacuation assembly point SAFE 10 Location of evacuation assembly point SAFE 31 Emergency exit right SAFE 1 Disabled symbol SAFE 33 Emergency exit or assembly point FIRE 3 Location of fi re alarm call point FIRE 6 Location of fi re hose reel FIRE 9 Fire blanket FIRE 7 Location of fi re telephone FIRE 4 Location of fi re extinguisher FIRE 5 General fi re equipment sign FIRE 8 Fire safety provision FIRE 2 Location of emergency stop button HAZARD MESSAGES PROHIBITION MESSAGES FIRE EQUIPMENT MESSAGES CAUT 7 Beware explosive material CAUT 4 Beware corrosive CAUT 3 Beware toxic material CAUT 13 Beware of fork lift trucks CAUT 11 Beware of laser beam CAUT 23 Beware of dog CAUT 12 Overhead fi xed obstruction CAUT 21 Beware trip hazard CAUT 20 Beware slip- pery surface CAUT 10 Ionizing radiation CAUT 2 Beware electricity CAUT 36 Beware crane operating overhead CAUT 5 Beware fl ammable material CAUT 9 Beware non-ionizing material CAUT 22 Beware fragile roof CAUT 18 Beware strong magnetic fi eld CAUT 8 Beware biological fi eld CAUT 35 Beware of sudden loud noises CAUT 1 General hazard CAUT 33 Beware heavy goods lorries CAUT 19 Beware unguarded drop CAUT 49 Beware of barbed wire CAUT 51 CCTV surveillance CAUT 16 Beware low temperature CAUT 30 Danger of death by electrocution from power lines 84 STORAGE DESIGN LTD TEL:01446772614 [email protected]