Safety Clothing Why Company Need Safety Wear For Workers | Page 3
Facial protection is most important. Mask protects whole dace from
dust, chemical fumes, pesticides and other many pollutants.
Back Support:
For labors, who lifts heavy materials, they need back support. These
support usually help them extra support from back side when they are
lifting and bending.
Industries that provide these safety tools to their workers, represents their ideal image
among the people. They convey some important message to other regarding their safety.
"Safety is kind of facility that each company has to provide their workers and staff"
Representation of profession:
Because of safety vest and reflective jackets, workers can easily identify. The high
visibility of safety tools represent image of the worker to the common men.
Physical Protection:
They save workers from the serious accidents due to oversight. Like, accidentally some
heavy material dropped, like iron pallets or steel beams on their toes while carrying.