Safe Surgery Times - Corporate supporter package | Page 8

What will your support achieve?

Access to safe surgical care is the difference between a healthy mother and baby and a broken family, a stable income and a disabled breadwinner unable to work.

Your support will, without question, make surgery safer for patients in the world’s poorest countries who shouldn’t have to risk their lives on the operating table because they have no other choice.

In the last two years, Lifebox has facilitated the distribution of more than 6,000 oximeters to 80+ countries’ worldwide, and delivered training to more than 2000 healthcare workers.

Our research shows that each oximeter is used up to 20 times a day, seven days a week, safeguarding millions of lives.

Our oximeters are robust, intuitive and intelligently designed for a low-resource operating theatre, so we know that a year down the line, they’ll still be doing exactly what they’re needed for.

Our training is proven to support long-term change in safe practices.

With your support, Lifebox will able to provide equipment and training where it is needed.

We’ll be able to grow as an organization, putting more resources into programmes,

research and the networks that make real and sustainable change.

There has never been a time when access to safe surgical care was so important, and we know that our colleagues in industry have the understanding, skills and capacity to make a long-term difference.