What is Safe Streets Arlington ?
Safe Streets Arlington represents the City of Arlington and its stakeholders ' commitment to reducing and eventually eliminating serious injuries and fatal crashes affecting all roadway users . This Comprehensive Safety Action Plan ( CSAP ) demonstrates this commitment through a holistic approach to roadway safety by following the Safe System Approach to improve safety culture , increase collaboration across all safety stakeholders , and refocus transportation system design and operation on anticipating human mistakes and lessening impact forces to reduce crash severity and save lives . This CSAP is developed through the Safe Streets and Roads for All ( SS4A ) Grant Program from the U . S . Department of Transportation ( USDOT ).
Recognizing that humans make mistakes , the Safe System Approach aims to create a forgiving road system that reduces risk and eliminates fatal and serious injury crashes . It is a framework supported by the USDOT to advance the implementation of Vision Zero . The Safe System approach was founded on the principle that humans make mistakes , and those mistakes should never lead to death or serious injury . Applying the Safe System Approach involves designing and managing road infrastructure to support safe road use , and when crashes do happen , ensuring that the impact does not result in a death or serious injury . The Safe System prioritizes five key elements : Safe Speeds , Safe Roads , Safe Vehicles , Safe Road Users , and Post-Crash Care . These elements are applied under the principles that death and serious injury are unacceptable , redundancy is crucial , safety is proactive , responsibility is shared , humans are vulnerable , and that humans make mistakes .