safe-Net eBooklet | Page 43

6- For what purpose your child using the internet most ? 1. to follow the events 5. Surfing on the net 2. E-mail & messaging 6. To provide materials for his/her homework/ to researh 3. Playing online games 7. Has become a hobby for him/her 4. Sorfing on the net 8. Other (Please share):…….......... 7. How reliable do you think the internet is a mass communication tool in social life? As a grade grade of confidence how to score the internet you use between 1-10 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No unreliable 10 Fairly reliable 8-After using internet in what direction your leisure time activities has cahanged? Increased No affect Decreased 1 Watching TV 3 2 1 2 Reading newspaper 3 2 1 3 Reading magazine 3 2 1 4 Talking on the phone 3 2 1 5 Shopping 3 2 1 6 Reading 3 2 1 7 Listening to music 3 2 1 8 Listening to radio 3 2 1 9 Going to theatre 3 2 1 10 Going to the cinema 3 2 1 11 Watching film on DVD or VCD 3 2 1 12 To spent time with the family 3 2 1