SAFE BET Movie MAG July.2013 Vol 1 | Page 3

“ We are all here to do what we are all here to do ” - The Matrix

Casting Call extended

After the Safe Bet auditions held at Jintek Film School in Pretoria on Saturday 27 July , 2013 did not yield expected results . The film ’ s Producer Intern , Mmakgabo Komape will hold another audition session in Joburg soon . “ We only managed to get 2 actors from a total of 35 , we expected to fill most of the roles but it didn ’ t turn out that way ”, MK .

Connecting with SAFE BET

The film “ SAFE BET ” content and updates are available on a variety of online platforms , this allows everyone interested in the film to connect and stay updated .



The film ’ s website has not yet been developed though . For now , SAFE BET can be safely accessed from the following ;
@ SafeBet2013 SafeBetMovie safeb
Email SB : safebet @ sukumamedia . co . za

“ We are all here to do what we are all here to do ” - The Matrix

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