SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 92

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa molecule at physiological pH and is easily soluble in water. Ultrasound and the use of nano-emulsion systems can also aid permeation. Post radiation treatment consists of topical Tobramycin or other good quality antibiotics such as Vigamox for 7 days and Atropine drops for 3 days. Oral Flunixin [Finadyne] can be used for 7-10 days. Post operative check up examinations are recommended: 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months. The median time range for healing appears to be 4–26 days after CXL. Some eyes may show improved clinical signs from 3 days. This can be in the form of reduction of inflammatory signs, including reduced signs of ocular pain, decrease in corneal oedema and ciliary injection and less aqueous flare and inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber. The stromal melting can also be stopped when re-examined the day after treatment. In 2–4 days, a granular appearance of the denuded stromal tissue has been noted and in some cases a rejection of necrotic mucoid tissues follows. Ingrowth of blood vessels to the ulcerated area and regeneration of the corneal stroma and re-epithelialisation could be observed. It has been shown that one can perform a small window of epithelium debriding whereby riboflavin can penetrate into the stroma. This may be an advantage in cases of infectious ulcerative keratitis Bullous keratopathy: A variety of problems in the eye can result in endothelial cell damage and subsequent corneal oedema and distension. These include endothelial dystrophy [band keratopathy], iris-to cornea persistent pupilliary membranes, trauma [surgical and non-surgical], anterior uveitis, glaucoma, and melting keratitis. As a result of the endothelial cell damage, fluid moves into the stroma, causing corneal oedema; keratoconus and bullae formation can occur. Historically 5% NaCl hypertonic eye drops have been used to attempt to dehydrate the cornea by hydroscopic action. Their effect is extremely variable. CXL with riboflavin decreases corneal oedema and increases visual acuity in human patients with bullous keratopathy. The presumed mechanism is the increase in collagen packing density and a reduction in swelling tendency of the glycosaminoglycan-rich hydrophilic ground substance of the cornea. Melting corneal ulcers [keratomalacia] In the article by Famose [2015] he describes the use of CXL to treat melting corneal ulcers in cats. One of the observations was the improvement in pain levels in all affected cats after the CXL and that re-epithelisation was noted in 90% of cats within 8 days. He also noted reduced corneal vascularization and all eyes had visual function. Melting resolved in 7 days with all cases and can be attributed to the direct effects of CXL. It appears the CXL may have three specific effects on the cornea; a bactericidal effect, increase in corneal resistance to mechanical forces and enzymatic digestion and the reduction in corneal inflammation. The bactericidal effect has been attributed to bacterial DNA and membrane alterations and the liberation of free radicals by photo-activation of riboflavin. The increased corneal mechanical strength is related to the increase intralamellar covalent binds whilst the 87