SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 77

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa
What Else Can be Done ?
1 . Monitor and treat for pre-existing pulmonary inflammation ( eg , IAD ); use inhaled or nebulized anti-inflammatories and / or expectorants . a . Scope more frequently ? b . Tracheal wash or bronchoalveolar lavage more often ? c . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT
2 . Induce diuresis on race day using non pharmaceuticals ; eg , 5 % dextrose + NH 4 Cl
3 . Type-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors are promising ; effective for 24 hrs or more although not yet shown to be effective against EIPH . 4 . Oral corticosteroid ? ( must be short acting ) 5 . Focus on minimizing EIPH during training – more “ easy ” training bouts , longer time between race starts
6 . Withholding water or controlled access to it a . Still widely practiced b . 6 ml / kg for 24 – 8 hrs pre-exercise had no effect on EIPH ; only n = 6

Ophthalmic nerve blocks and standing ophthalmic surgical procedures

Johannesburg Animal Eye Hospital
Often an equine veterinarian is confronted with the option to consider a standing ophthalmic surgical procedure either because the procedure is rather simple and standing may be more appropriate , cost of a general anaesthetic may deter a client , the physical status of the horse may contraindicate the option of a general anaesthetic , the location may be poor or the experience of the veterinarian and availability of support staff may also hinder the option of a general anaesthetic .
Much has been written about the pros and cons of equine standing surgical procedures and there is no doubt that this form of anesthesia is becoming more popular . Standing sedation and anaesthesia is proving to be very useful for a number of ophthalmic surgical procedures which include :
• Placement of a subpalpebral lavage system ( SPL )
• Cryosurgery for removal of small eyelid masses .
• Entropion in the foal - temporary tacking
• Traumatic eyelid laceration repair
• Third eyelid laceration repair
• Tarsorrhaphy
• Third eyelid removal
• Biopsy / therapy for eyelid neoplasia
• Conjunctival biopsy